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What Is They Ask You Answer?

They Ask, You Answer is a "revolutionary" sales-first, marketing-powered business growth strategy successfully used by thousands of B2B and B2C businesses worldwide across many industries.

They Ask You Answer Is A Simple, Yet Revolutionary Framework To Grow Your Business

Initially conceived by Marcus Sheridan, the framework revolves around answering your customers' questions honestly and unbiasedly. This results in you becoming the trusted voice in your industry, which means more educated, happier customers.

If you implement this framework, you will see a dramatic increase in organic traffic (say goodbye to expensive ads), more and better-qualified leads, and a significant increase in revenue.

It is based on four core tenants:

  • It's all about trust. Today's buyers are buying from the company they trust the most. By implementing They Ask You Answer, you become the most trusted voice in your space and an authority in your industry.
  • It's all about education. Educating your buyers through helpful, transparent, and unbiased content will set you not only apart from your competition, but will also shorten sales cycles and increase close rates.
  • It's about alignment. By aligning your sales and marketing team with common goals and objectives, you will create a better customer experience, resulting in more revenue and profit.
  • It's simple. They Ask You Answer is based on ten straightforward concepts that can be applied to any business in any industry or any size.

The Ten Core Principles Of They Ask, You Answer

The secret to the success of They Ask, You Answer lies in ten simple core principles that apply to organizations of every size in every industry and that can be implemented within your organization.


The Big 5

There are five content topics that every buyer will need answers to when making a considered purchase. Addressing those will result in qualified leads, faster sales, and more deals.


The Selling 7

Help your prospects to build a relationship with your company before they reach out to your salespeople by creating these seven types of engaging and helpful videos.


Assignment Selling

Effectively and strategically use content as part of your sales process to better educate your buyers. Highly educated buyers understand the value you offer and are more likely to close.


Visual Selling

Learn how to make your sales process highly effective by utilizing video, from 1:1 video prospecting to allowing a customer to experience your product visually.


Sales & Marketing Alignment

Your marketing and sales teams are aligned and collaborate towards a common goal and around a shared strategy, resulting in laser-focused content, which in turn results in high-quality leads.


Revenue Team

Regularly bring your sales and marketing together in a structured, highly effective manner to nurture collaboration and unite them behind their common goal: generating revenue.


In-House Content Management

An in-house content team that is adequately trained will work faster, will produce better quality content, is more scalable and affordable, and will better suit your organization's needs.


MarTech & CRM Adoption

Paying for a CRM or marketing automation isn't the same as end-to-end adoption. Set up and train your employees to be successful power users that utilize this technology to the fullest.


Learning Center

Rather than just having a blog sorted by publishing date, organize your content in a learning center so your visitors can easily find what they are looking for.


Self-Service Tools

Enable your buyers to self-serve as much as they want by providing zero/minimal-touch experiences using chat, assessment and scheduling tools, and more.

Have Questions?

Whether you have read the They Ask, You Answer book, heard Marcus Sheridan speak, or just discovered this sales and marketing initiative, you will probably have questions. Let's schedule a time to chat.